Sex Drive

Sex Drive (2008)
Directed by Sean Anders
Length: 109 minutes
Rated R for strong crude and sexual content, nudity, language, some drug and alcohol use - all involving teens

Some of you may have heard of this teen-sex comedy that came out last year; than again, many of you may not have since it seems a new "American Pie clone" comes out every other week. While initially I decided this would be another POS movie trying to capitalize on our obsession with sex obsessed youths trying to get laid, I finally decided to give Sex Drive a shot for nostalgic reasons (i.e. they go to Knoxville, TN). Ultimately you wind up with a decent comedy that will serve its purpose - it entertains.

As the title indicates, the movie centers around sex. Ian, played by Josh Zuckerman (Kyle XY), meets a girl online via those ever-popular social networking sites who wants to meet up for a sexual encounter. Of course, like most teenage boys, Ian steals his brothers car, takes two of his friends, and proceeds to get he and his friends into various encounters that would make for a great story at its conclusion. There's nothing here that breaks the mold. Boy/girl best friends; boy likes girl but girl doesn't like boy; end of movie boy and girl fall in love; homophobic brother that turns out to be gay; the "cool" friend whose casual approach to sex changes by the end; etc. Let's just say you don't watch Sex Drive for the plot or performances.

So why did I REALLY decide to watch a movie I initially perceived to not be worth my time? Honestly, it's because Ian's trip takes him to Knoxville, TN, the home of my college that I currently attend. While I can't say I recognized any of the locale from the film, Sex Drive proved to be good for a few laughs. The film was at its best when Ian and his friend encounter an Amish community, specifically Seth Green (Family Guy) playing his sarcastic wit to a T. You'll probably find the rest of the movie full or stereotypes and the other usual jokes; not to say you won't necessarily laugh, it's just not the most original comedy.

So is it worth the time? While you definitely won't be missing out on anything if you pass Sex Drive over, it can still be entertaining. You'll find a few laughs, and you may even discover a few, new inside jokes to quote with your friends. It's worth at least giving a shot if you're looking for an easily accessible film; after all, they can't all be the serious Oscar winning movies all the time, right?

Final Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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