
Wanted (2008)
Directed by Timur Bekmambetov
Length: 110 minutes
Rated R for strong bloody violence throughout, pervasive language, and some sexuality

Usually I like to start these off with a little intro about the movie, summarize the plot, comment on the acting, comment on something else in the movie, and then close it up. But I'm not going to waste time or mince words about this movie - it's a straight up action movie, period. You should not watch Wanted expecting Oscar winning performances or profound/life-changing plot. If you want an entertaining popcorn movie that has plenty of "Oh shit! That just happened!" moments, then Wanted is an excellent choice.

James McAvoy (The Last Station, Atonement) plays Wesley Gibson, a disgruntled office worker who is struggling to accept his pathetic life, when he learns he is actually the son of a skilled assassin that belongs to an ancient group known as The Fraternity. As Wesley undergoes his training to help him unlock his innate abilities, he finally becomes a true ass-kicking assassin like his father. That's about it...as in that's all you really need.

What really makes Wanted enjoyable are not the characters or the plot, but the action sequences and creativity behind a lot of the stunts. This movie doesn't try to claim realism but is able to avoid crossing the line of absurdity. If you enjoy a good car chase, fight sequences, and explosions, then Wanted will most definitely deliver.

My only real complaint with the movie is the ending. I figured it would be open ended, leading to the inevitable sequel. While work has already begun on the new script, once you see the ending, you'll understand my dilemma with the ending. Also, the "Loom of Destiny" (I know it's from a comic) is a bit of a reach for me to accept as justification. I know this review is certainly much shorter than normal, but trust me, there's not much to surmise. Definitely check out Wanted if you enjoy good action movies, just keep your expectations low.

Final Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars

Favorite Quote:
Wesley: [voice-over] It's my anorexic boss' birthday. This means there's a certain amount of inter-office pressure to stand around the conference table, eating crappy food and pretending to worship her. Acting for five minutes like Janice doesn't make all our lives miserable is the hardest work I'll do all day. My job title is account manager. I used to be called an account service representative, but a consultant told us we have to manage our clients, and to not service them. I have a girlfriend who I neither manage or service. That's my best friend Barry fucking her on an Ikea kitchen table I picked up for a really good price. I'm finding it hard to care about anything these days. In fact, the only thing I do care about is the fact that I can't care about anything. Seriously, it worries me. My name is Wesley Gibson. My dad walked out on my mom when I was seven days old. Sometimes I wonder if he ever looked into my baby blue eyes and asked himself "did I just father the most insignificant asshole of the twenty-first century"?

Oscar Nominations:
Best Achievement in Sound
Best Achievement in Sound Editing

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