Rachel Getting Married

Rachel Getting Married
Directed by Jonathan Demme
Length: 113 minutes
Rated R for language and brief sexuality

This small indie film released last year didn't generate huge buzz but garnered more attention when lead actress Anne Hathaway was nominated for her performance. I have been looking forward to this movie for quite a while now with eager anticipation. While at first I was a little turned off, this is a beautiful and tragic movie that will leave you an emotional wreck wrought with feelings spanning the entire spectrum.

Rachel Getting Married is about a young girl named Kym, portrayed by the Oscar nominated Anne Hathaway (Alice in Wonderland, Get Smart), who is released from rehab in time for her sister Rachel's wedding. As you can imagine, the movie largely centers on Kym's struggles to acclimate to "normal" life with her family as she copes with her personal demons as well as the pain she has inflicted. At first, I was really turned off by Kym as she is catty and dramatic. But as we learn about her addictions and past, we begin to empathize with her more, to the point of actually wanting to stand up for her against her family's anger. This transition is a tremendous credit to the talented Anne Hathaway. She is quickly establishing herself as one of the classiest and more talented actresses in Hollywood and was every bit deserving of her nomination. Kym is definitely a tragic figure; you'll grow from hating her to pitying her struggles. I really have to credit Hathaway's performance for turning around my initial opinion of this movie.

You'll immediately notice the hand-held camera footage. A majority of the film is shot in such style and really adds a quaint feeling to the movie. I know many of you dread the infamous "shaky oh my God, what was that" camera style that often leaves people nauseated and not entertained, but honestly the style works well in this case. Being as the setting is a wedding, the hand-held camera footage really allows you to feel as if you were watching someone's wedding video and not simply a movie. This is largely attributed to Jonathan Demme's background in documentaries, for which he is more famously known for.

Speaking of weddings, I have to admit this is one of the cooler weddings I've ever seen. It's such a cultural, musical, and colorful experience; it truly is an original and special occasion that you feel privileged to partake in as the audience. Just a little warning, if you don't cry/tear up during the wedding vows, you may want to check for a pulse. Both bride and groom's vows are very special and touching. While most weddings are beautiful, joyful affairs, what makes Rachel Getting Married so special is how beautifully tragic it is. While the wedding is such a beautiful event, the struggles of Kym to be a functioning member of her family is so tragic that you'll quickly feel as torn as her family does. My favorite scene from the wedding is a short moment when the bride, groom, Kym, and best man are all dancing together under an archway in the dark; it's such a beautiful moment that shows how much people can really love each other.

I can't promise you'll enjoy this film: it's definitely not for everyone. As I said, I started off not enjoying Rachel Getting Married at all; but as the characters developed, I quickly began to grow affectionate towards this movie. I can't honestly say I've ever felt that tragically depressing scenes were beautiful till I saw this movie. There's just something about the raw emotions portrayed in this film that strikes a chord within me. I really hope you'll give this film a chance and witness the fine performance of one our generation's best actresses.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Kym: "I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening."

Oscar Nominations:
Best Actresses in a Leading Role-Anne Hathaway

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't already send this back to Netflix, I might have to give it a look. I'm not afraid to cry a little bit, but I'm not the biggest Hathaway fan. Hope this can change my mind.
