Two Lovers

Two Lovers (2008)
Directed by James Gray
Length:110 minutes
Rated R for langua
ge, some sexuality, and brief drug use

We've all been there: the person we want to be with and the person we should be with. But who do we choose? Who should we choose? The content may not be an unfamiliar one, but Two Lovers is an exacerbating, self-destructive ride that showcases the follies of human emotions and desires. Coming from the hugely disappointing We Own the Night, James Gray has written and directed his redemption in the form of a dramatic piece that is beautiful, enchanting, and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Filmed in the dark and somber colors and backgrounds of Brooklyn, Two Lovers is the story of Leonard, a damaged, suicidal, and unstable guy trying to mend the heartache of a broken engagement. Living with his supportive parents, Leonard struggles to regain the glow and spirit he is remembered for by his family. As his parents incite a meeting with a beautiful young, compassionate, and forgiving woman, Leonard happens upon a dark, damaged, and equally screwed up neighbor. As two different relationships begin to develop, he begins to struggle with the choice between the girl he should and the girl he wants to be with.

As the character Leonard, Joaquin Phoenix shows his tremendous talent and ability that will be sorely missed if his new "career path" turns out to be real. Phoenix has always been good at playing the emotionally damaged characters; however, he is especially adept at allowing glimmers of happiness and joy escape from an otherwise broken man. From his stilted interactions with his two lovers, to joyfully dancing with his mother in his father's laundry mat, Phoen
ix shows why he is one of the best actors in Hollywood and a master of his trade. Let's certainly hope that his choice to be a rapper is not a permanent one.

What makes Two Lovers so accessible is the way Leonard interacts with the women in his life. At times we see that this is not some guy that has never been able to interact with other people, specifically women. Let's be real, the guy balances two relationships at one time! Watching this film is akin to watching a film of your life and grimacing at all the times you made a mistake with a person, whether you were too available, too apparent, or too quick to fall in love, Leonard is the walking, living, breathing film of your life and all the times you wish you could stop or change. It's like watching a bad car crash coming in slow motion, and, if you could just tell the driver to hit the brakes, everything would be okay.

Two Lovers succeeds in not only being a film about the mistakes males typically make, but also the ones women make as well. Gwyneth Paltrow (Iron Man 2) plays Michelle, the damaged party girl locked in an affair with a partner at the law firm she works at. While we w
atch the film knowing Michelle is the wrong girl for Leonard, from the female perspective, we cringe knowing the imminent heartbreak waiting around the corner for Leonard.

Two Lovers may not be an enjoyable experience in the traditional sense, but it certainly is a good movie. Phoenix is an amazing actor, and it is hard to imagine losing such a talent at the peak of his career. In either case, this is one film you should definitely watch, if not for the personal story lines, then at least to witness a master at work.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote: Couldn't find any so instead I'll share this wonderful image...

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