The Hangover

The Hangover (2009)
Directed by Todd Phillips
Length: 100 minutes
Rated R for pervasive language, sexual content including nudity, and some drug material

Have you ever woken up after a crazy night, with no recollection of what happened? Most everyone has had a least one night like that, but nothing can compare to the insanity and hilarity of The Hangover. What would seem to be nothing more than "frat boy" humor, instead turns out to be a broad reaching comedy that anyone can enjoy. The Hangover is a movie full of outlandish moments that continuously attempts to one-up the previous antics, leading to a fun ride filled with laughs.

The basic setup is nothing original; four friends set out for Vegas to celebrate their best friend's bachelor party - the proverbial last night of "freedom". What unfolds turns out to be the Memento of comedies: a journey to piece together the events of a night filled with booze, drugs, debauchery and one missing groom. What truly separates this film from most other similar comedies is the great chemistry and role playing by the three main actors. Bradley Cooper (The A-Team, He's Just Not That Into You), Ed Helms (The Office), and Zach Galifianakis (G-Force) all play their roles to perfection.

Cooper plays Phil, the teacher bored with his family life, who serves as the groups "Don Juan" and general life of the party. Helms, famous for his role as the Nard Dog on The Office, plays Stu, the conservative, clean cut dentist who avoids trouble and conflict as often as possible. Perhaps the most outlandish of them all is Galifianakis as Alan, the "Bluto" of the group and the groom's future brother in law that appears to be...shall we say a bit off? Each actors plays his character well, following the typecasts as well as bringing fresh and original ideas. For myself, no one actor shined above the rest; but as a collective, each contributed various elements that only added to the hilariousness of The Hangover.

Comedies are typically hard to review beyond whether or not they are funny. Beyond the basic plot synopsis and acting summary, the jokes are best left to the professionals on screen. That being said, you must be a "ratard" (please don't be offended till you see the movie, and yes I know it's misspelled) if you wait to see this film. Have I laughed harder at a movie before? Yes, but the beauty of The Hangover is the constant stream of laughter throughout the film. Though directed by the same man that brought us Old School, this outing by Phillips is able to walk the fine line between absurd and hilarity, resulting in an instant classic that will be added to the memorable classic comedies of film history.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Alan: "Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win. Counting cards is a foolproof system."
Stu: "It's also illegal."
Alan: "It's not illegal, it's frowned upon, like...masturbating on an airplane."
Phil: "I'm pretty sure that's illegal too."
Alan: "Yeah, maybe after 9/11, where everybody got so sensitive. Thanks a lot, Bin Laden!"

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