Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds (2008)
Directed by Gabriele Muccino
Length: 123 minutes
Rated PG-13 for thematic material, some disturbing content, and a scene of sensuality

In his second pairing with Italian director Gabriele Muccino (The Pursuit of Happyness), Will Smith shows why he is no longer just the Fresh Prince of Belleair but instead a great actor with incredible range. Muccino displays a great aptitude for getting great performances from his actors, leading to emotionally powerful films that draw the audience into situations we all can comprehend but dread experiencing. Though there are many conflicting opinions concerning Seven Pounds, this is one of the more unnoticed films of last year that deserves much more fanfare and acclaim.

Will Smith (I Am Legend, Monster Hunter) plays Ben Thomas, an IRS agent who is dealing with personal demons that haunt him every day. I won't go into revealing the demons here as they play a pivotal part of the plot. My description of the plot may seem a little vague, but the movie quickly thrust you into Ben's struggles to erase his troubled past from his existence. What makes the movie so good is Will Smith. Mostly known for his action star status and comedic antics, Smith truly is a gifted actor that can find his way in almost any type of production. Yeah, the ending may be a bit predictable; but you still care about Smith's character and hope for a happy ending. That's ultimately what makes Seven Pounds so great; sometimes a tragic hero's demise is necessary for a more altruistic ending.

Seven Pounds runs the gamut of emotions. One second you'll be laughing, the next on the verge of tears at the beauty humanity can be capable of. It's really hard to convey much about this film, because ultimately the revelation of the plot is an essential part of the viewing experience in this case. There are lots of examples of movies that are simply easier to sum up by saying, "You just have to watch it!" But in this case, it's never been truer. I could easily tell you why Ben does the things he does; why the movie is so good. But it would only ruin your experience with this great film.

Lots of people claimed that Seven Pounds was hard to comprehend or had ridiculous elements. I have to highly disagree. Little respect or attention was given to this film last year, and it should not have been the case. I hope you will all watch Will Smith continue to prove his talents as an actor. The review may be vague, but this intentional lack of detail is the only way I can allow you to experience a film that shows the lengths a man will go to atone for his sins. Please do not let this one pass you by!

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Favorite Quote:'s not really a favorite quote kind of movie, but there are lots of emotionally powerful scenes of human compassion.

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie, but I thought the movie was a little dragged out and to me kinda seems like a typical good guy sacrifice
