JCVD (2008)
Directed by Mabrouk El Mechri
Length: 97 minutes
Rated R for language and some violence

So, who was the most awesome, kick-ass action star of the 1980s and 1990s that every guy (and I'm sure girls) loved to watch? No, not Chuck Norris. Maybe Steven Seagal, but none could touch the sheer awesomeness known as Jean-Claude Van Damme. "The Muscles from Brussels" was fun to watch in his action movies famous for bad plots, Van Damme splits, and kicking boxing prowess. But this film isn't just another action film; instead it's the poignant "pseudo-documentary" look at a former action star struggling with a faltering career, divorce, and disappointment from his children and family.

Jean-Claude Van Damme (Universal Soldiers: The Next Generation) plays himself in a movie about...you guessed it, himself. While attempting to transfer some money to his divorce attorney at a bank, JCVD finds himself at the wrong place at the wrong time as there is a robbery in progress. Soon the shit hits the fan as the cops come to believe the man himself is holding the bank hostage. What unfolds is an interesting look at a guy more known for his roundhouse kicks than his emotional depth.

JCVD is a deep look at the tremendous stress and burdens many celebrities can face. Demanding fans that are never satisfied, children embarrassed by their father's fame, wives unsatisfied at home, the list continues. JCVD comes off as a good man that tries to please everyone but ultimately can never be the superman he portrays on screen. This is the role of a lifetime for Jean-Claude, seeing as he'll be stuck doing action movies till the day he dies. You really empathize with the plights plaguing JCVD. The tears he sheds in frustration over the constant disappointment and unsatisfactory conditions he finds himself in are truly believable: not from an actor playing a role, but from an actor showing his true self on screen for all to analyze.

After watching this movie, while not a flawless piece of work, you may begin to look at celebrities in a different way. Yeah, for every Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton that we could give two shits about, there is a good human being that wants to have a normal life with a normal family, full of love and happiness. But as JCVD illustrates, even the low man on the proverbial totem pole of celebrity status struggles to find the life we all enjoy. I would recommend you viewing this movie if only to see an awesome action star showcase his true acting ability. While I'll still always love JCVD for his splits and high kicks, it's nice to see that even our supermen aren't without flaws as well.

Final Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Police Officer: "Central to Unit 27. Jean-Claude Van Damme is robbing a post office. I need back-up."

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