Youth in Revolt

Youth in Revolt (2009)
Directed by Miguel Arteta
Length: 90 minutes
Rated R for sexual content, language, and drug use

Another Michael Cera movie already? In my defense, Netflix took their sweet time sending me the film, but the wait is finally over. In the end was it worth getting worked-up over? No, but Youth in Revolt is a quirky indie comedy that allows Cera to explore a darker, more sinister side of the snarky dork he usually plays. My love for Michael Cera aside, the film is a fun and witty and enjoyable experience.

Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Arrested Development) plays aspiring writer and resident virginal geek Nick Twisp. While away with his mother and her deadbeat boyfriend Jerry, played by Zach Galifianakis (Due Date, The Hangover 2), Nick meets the girl of his dreams, Sheeni Saunders played by Portia Doubleday (In Between Days, The Wheeler Boys). Though Sheeni is the daughter of pious zealots, she dreams of exotic French men and other rebellious things - aka not Nick. Determined to win her affection and lose his virginity, Nick creates an alter-ego named Francois Dillinger that allows him to act in a very un-Nick like manner, such as destroying a town square and wrecking multiple cars.

When it comes to geeky-yet-charming, quiet but sarcastic leading men, Michael Cera is the go-to-guy in Hollywood; however, Youth in Revolt allows Cera to add a new dimension to his repertoire. While Nick/Francois could hardly be considered a bad guy, the sinister actions and manipulative plotting he carries out in his attempts to win Sheeni's heart all show a side of Cera not yet seen. This new side of Cera certainly elevates the witty dialogue and humor of his actions as he literally creates a manifestation of the "voice inside your head."

While Youth in Revolt is not the most memorable film in Cera's short career, there are several laugh-worthy scenes and enough witty dialogue to garner a rental. Though the film may be geared towards a younger audience, the theme of a good-guy geek being bad for a girl is universal and should translate well to all audiences. Cera will continue to be better known for his other works such as Superbad and Juno, but I personally enjoyed seeing a new side to his usual character. Hopefully in his future films, he will continue to grow and evolve into a complete actor, becoming a true leading man in the process.

Final Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Nick Twisp: "Sheeni, hi, nice to see you. I was just going for a walk, and I thought I'd drop by. I remembered that you live here. I'm sorry I got upset about Trent. It was very immature of me. I'm not normally like that. He sounds like a great guy. I'd love to hear more of his neat poetry. Say, do you want to go to the beach or get breakfast?"

Sheeni Saunders: "Actually, I'm going on a hike. I'd ask you to come along, but you haven't got any hiking boots, provisions, survey maps, or a compass."

Nick Twisp: "Fine. I do all my hiking free form. Like John Muir, I enter the wilderness with nothing more than my journal and a child-like sense of wonder."

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