Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 (2010)
Directed by Jon Favreau
Length: 124 minutes
Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence, and some language

Of all the superheroes in existence, Iron Man is without a doubt my personal favorite. I've never liked Superman, Batman is cool but a little moody, Spider-man has some awesome powers and even cooler villains but again a little emo, etc. Tony Stark aka Iron Man is just a cool guy - a billionaire playboy that boast an MIT education. Yet he also exhibits everyman problems like narcissism, alcoholism, and general disregard for others, creating the perfect blend of hero and antihero. While most traditional comic book heroes struggle to conceal their secret lives, Tony Stark's metallic alias is known to the world, presenting problems concerning fame, notoriety, government intervention, and expectations on not only the hero but the man acting as the hero. While Iron Man 2 can never be considered the cinematic masterpiece that The Dark Knight is, it is a awesome ride with an nontraditional hero that certainly fulfills its obligation to entertain the audience.

Picking up where the 2008 original left off, Iron Man 2 finds Tony Stark, portrayed to perfection by the amazing Robert Downey, Jr. (Sherlock Holmes, Due Date), struggling to balance his multinational corporation, superhero alter-ego, personal life, and friendship. Complicated by the fact that the arc reactor keeping him alive is also slowly killing him, Tony begins to crumble under the pressures of the media and government and sinks deeper into an alcohol induced hazed. As if the personal demons were not enough, the vengeful Ivan Vanko aka Whiplash, Mickey Rourke (13, The Expendables) with a Russian accent, and industry competitor Justin Hammer, the neurotic Sam Rockwell (Moon, Betty Anne Waters), are out to ruin the Stark empire.

Put simply, there is a lot going on in Iron Man 2. Multiple plot threads and movie tie-ins aside, director Jon Favreau does a good job of keeping the pace quick but allowing enough plot development to avoid feeling too much like a cliched action movie. As I stated previously, without Robert Downey, Jr., this film does not work: he brings the character of Tony Stark to life just as Stan Lee imagined so many years ago hitting the right amount of charm, impulsiveness, and self-destruction that make Iron Man such a great character. Additionally, replacing Don Cheadle (Brooklyn's Finest, The Guard) as Lt. Col. James Rhodes aka War Machine for Terrence Howard worked out well. Cheadle, an accomplished actor capable of performing in a plethora of roles, does a good job of matching Downey, Jr.'s strong personality. When Tony is on screen, it is easy for the characters around him to quickly find themselves drowned out due to his impetuous nature, but Cheadle is able to keep his character relevant.

One of the coolest aspect of Iron Man 2, as was the case in the first, is the technology utilized by Tony. Virtual computing, robots with emotions, a talking AI...Jesus I want his tech! While Bruce Wayne may be able to match Tony Stark in terms of bank account and gadgets, Tony wins every time in terms of coolness and wow factor. Speaking of Bruce Wayne, inevitably this film, like all future comic book films, will be compared to The Dark Knight. However, one should remember that Christopher Nolan's 2008 masterpiece is a once-in-a-lifetime type of film, closer in nature to The Godfather and other serious crime dramas than its superhero brethren. So while Batman may win the awards, Iron Man knows what it is and does a damn good job doing it.

Will Iron Man 2 win an Oscar? Unless its for visuals, sound, etc. than the answer is likely no. But Favreau continues to blend enough drama with a lot of kick-ass to create a incredibly fun and enjoyable film. It may be cheesy, but this movie just makes you smile. The charm and witty dialogue capture the essence of a superhero unlike any other. Definitely make sure you check this one out in theaters in order to truly enjoy the great action sequences (even better if in IMAX). So cue the AC/DC and enjoy the thrilling ride.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Justin Hammer: "Ms. Everhart is doing a spread on me for her magazine."
Tony Stark: "Ms. Everhart did a spread on me last year...and an article."

Oscar Nominations:
Best Achievement in Visual Effects

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