Shutter Island

Shutter Island (2010)
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Length: 138 minutes

Rated R for disturbing violent content, language, and some nudity

Scorsese, DiCaprio, mysterious yet eerie film, huge bu
zz...what else can you ask for!?!? The long awaited, oft-delayed Shutter Island arrives as perhaps the most anticipated movie so far this year. I remember my initial reaction to the trailer (almost two years ago, it seems) and excitement over the director, cast, plot, etc. Having built huge expectations, reading numerous positive reviews, and consulting with my hard-to-please roommate, I eagerly attended what I anticipated to be a modern masterpiece. Instead, I was left crushed; what was suppose to be a suspenseful mystery turned out to be rather boring and anything but a mystery.

Set in 1954, Shutter Island centers on Scorsese standard Leonard DiCaprio (Inception, Revolutionary Road) as Teddy Daniels, a US Marshall seeking a patient who has escaped from her prison on the isolated island. Based on a novel by Dennis Lehane (Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone), Shutter Island is a departure from the traditional format utilized by Lehane, taking a much darker tone that leaves the audience with a sense of danger and uncertainty. As the mystery begins to unravel, it becomes apparent that there is more to the story then initially perceived.

To start on a positive note, the acting is indeed top notch. I have been a huge DiCaprio fan for quite some time now, and he continues to prove his prowess. The depth of his character cannot be questioned or denied. I even enjoyed the cinematography of the film: the dark, somber tones really cast a foreboding and dismal haze over the film setting the perfect mood for a dark mystery. So, with these positives, what could have caused my expectations to be dashed?

I have always enjoyed a good mystery; the traditional "who done it" that follows a detective searching for clues to the puzzle, occasionally revealing some master conspiracy in the process. Growing up, it was often difficult to watch mysteries with my mother as she would ALWAYS solve the show/movie before the end. I cannot tell you how many times my stepfather and I would scream in frustration as, of course, she would end up being correct. It would seem all of that detective work on my mother's part has rubbed off on me, as I now find myself constantly solving the puzzle before the conclusion. For the most part, this can prove to be a fun element to the mystery genre; however, it can also be a real negative if you are able to solve the mystery fairly easily and quickly. While I may not have had every single detail figured out, I was able to solve the mystery prior to seeing the film. Using contextual clues from the previews, I knew exactly what was going to happen before it even unfolded. In fact, I even told my friend my theory prior to seeing the movie; this theory proved to be correct.

While I do not believe the mystery is implicitly that easy to solve, in this particular case, it can be quite detrimental to the viewing experience when the big reveal at the end isn't that shocking. Equated to The Sixth Sense in terms of shock value, I was sorely disappointed. To boot, I found the movie to be rather slow throughout, dragging for a majority of the film. Though it is hard to pinpoint exact scenes to cut or shorten, the film had me looking at my watch wondering how much longer I had to sit.

While my review may not indicate it, I still feel as if you should see this movie. I feel as if my experience with the movie will prove to be the exception and less of the norm. The acting is good, boasted by beautiful camera work and visual decor. While some may be able to solve the mystery, the story is still enjoyable enough for the average movie goer. The details can bog you down, so be patient in trying to maintain a working encyclopedia for the film. If you can sit back, put down your detective's notepad, and enjoy the film, I believe you will find an enjoyable experience. But if you are able to solve the mystery, be prepared for a rather dull ride.

Final Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote: "Match in the gas tank...boom boom" (He went full retard)

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