Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
Directed by J.J. Abrams
Length: 127 minutes
Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence, and brief sexual content

Space, the final frontier...admit it: most of you are probably laughing at the sheer nerdom being exhibited by all of the fanboys starting from the time this new Star Trek film was announced. Damn Trekkies, right (or to be politically correct to the diehards Trekkers)? While I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation with my parents, I have never labeled myself as a true Trekkie; however, I was eager to see this new adaption since it was being helmed by one of sci-fi's current gurus J.J. Abrams (Lost, Fringe). After witnessing what is easily the best Star Trek film ever, you can easily see this isn't your parent's Star Trek.

Credit Abrams for realizing how difficult it would be to try and follow the tremendous amount of mythology concerning this classic series. After numerous television programs and several movies, it would next to impossible for Abrams to cover every last detail. However, that being said, the plot here stays true to the fanboys while welcoming a new generation of fans. Set around the time of the initial voyage of the USS Enterprise, Star Trek allows all viewers, new and old, to become acclimated to the characters and understand their origins. You see how James T. Kirk came to be the womanizing, kick-ass captain aboard the Starfleet vessel, how the half-human/Vulcan Spock came to be the famous character that he is today, and so forth. Though fans from the old days may have some complaints about new relationships or character differences, Abrams largely does a great job staying true to the script and selecting a great cast to fill the legendary roles.

The basic premise of Star Trek centers around an angry Romulan named Nero, played by Eric Bana (Funny People, The Time Traveler's Wife) who travels back in time on a mission to destroy the Federation affiliated planets that allowed Romulus to be destroyed. Ultimately, it is up to the crew of the Enterprise to stop Nero. I know, I know...time travel? Relax, it is explained and is way more believable than I would be able to explain in this blog. If I was to try, I would simply ruin the movie. So just accept the basic plot synopsis and you'll enjoy. I'll admit that I was initially a little skeptical when I heard Eric Bana was playing the evil villain. While I do not think Bana is a terrible actor, I simply worried that he may have been to much of a "softie" to play a bad guy. But I am happy to report that Bana does an excellent job in providing the evil antagonist for the real stars of the show...that's right, Kirk and Spock.

The selection of Zachary Quinto (Heroes) as Spock and Chris Pine (Quantum Quest, Smokin' Aces) as Kirk are perfect! Quinto is able to pull off that logical scowl made famous by Leonard Nemoy (who makes a cameo if you didn't hear), while also introducing a more human/emotional side to the famous Vulcan. This is a much younger and unpredictable Spock; you really get to see a side of the character never before truly portrayed in the past. With Pine, he nails Kirk. Full of bravado and swagger, Pine will seek a fight one second and whistle at the nearest alien babe the next. Though Kirk was always a bit of a joke (i.e. find alien, have sex, kick ass, leave, repeat), this new young and inexperienced Kirk reeks of confidence; you never once doubt that Kirk has a plan that is going to save everyone from the face of danger.

Now what good is a summer blockbuster without the special effects; never fear, the graphics here are set to stun and will leave your jaw dropped. The opening scene alone far surpasses anything previously seen in any other Star Trek film. I have to say, the coolest scene has to be the periolous sky dive down to the drill threatening to destroy the planet Vulcan. You will be breathless at the sheer awesomeness on screen.

Some fans may scream foul at the privileges taken by Abrams, but let's be honest: there is/was no way he could have covered every little detail within the Star Trek realm. Any changes seen within the film are explained as changes brought about by Nero traveling back in time. This alteration to the space time contiuum may leave you searching for Stephen Hawking on your speed dial, but it allows Abrams the freedom to develop a new and incredible series. While Star Trek is not a flawless movie, it is a great start to a new series and a highly entertaing film that should be enjoyed by all, not just Trekkies/Trekkers.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Instead of a quote, I thought I would include this classic video!

Oscar Winners:
Best Achievement in Makeup

Oscar Nominations:
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
Best Achievement in Sound Editing
Best Achievement in Visual Effects

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention how attractive/sexy/hot this Kirk is, which I am sure you noticed. I mean... he is the only reason most of us saw this movie, right? haha. Hope the summer is treating you well.

    I am working the desk right now, woohoo!!
