
Taken (2009)
Directed by Pierre Morel
Length: 91 minutes
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, disturbing thematic content, sexual content, some drug reference, and violence

Before I saw this movie, one of my roommates (whose opinion I often disagree with) proclaimed that this is the best movie of 2009, so far. While we are certainly just beginning 2009, such a claim seems worth an investigation. After now seeing Taken twice, I remember why my roommate and I often disagree on our taste in movies.

This movie is just plain average: nothing extraordinary, nothing terribly damning. The movie starts with old Qui-Gon Jinn himself, Liam Neeson (
Lincoln, The Chronicles of Narnia) playing the role of Bryan Mills, a retired CIA operative who is attempting to rebuild his relationship with his seventeen year-old daughter before she leaves for college. You really get an idea how out of touch with his daughter Bryan is when he buys a karaoke machine for his daughter's birthday, believing that she is still the little girl who wants to grow up to be a singer one day.

Just as it seems Bryan is beginning to regain his daughter's love, she asks for his permission to travel to Paris for the summer with a friend. As I'm sure you have gathered from the preview, things don't go according to the plan. Bryan's daughter Kim, played by Maggie Grace (
Lost), and her friend are soon abducted and sold into the world of sex trafficking. So what would any good former CIA operative do if his/her daughter was captured? Why travel to Paris to kick some ass, torture some Albanians, and save the girl of course!

For those fans of Jack Bauer and his
24 torture/stop the "bad guys" adventures, this is your movie. For those of you that like a good movie, then you might be out of luck. Liam Neeson does a respectable job as the father possessed with finding and saving his daughter. His daughter Kim is a different story. Is it bad that I almost wanted her to be deflowered and taken by the sex slave traders? I know teenagers are emotional, moody, and needy; but Jesus, would someone take the silver spoon out of this girl's mouth and just say no! What parent thinks it's a good idea to send their daughter to Europe unattended, when she can barely even act like a mature adult. For someone who is actually twenty-seven, I'll give Maggie Grace her dues; she truly is believable as a seventeen year-old. But dear God did I want her to not be rescued. I can only pray I don't have a daughter like this.

My ranting about annoying children aside, the action is ultimately on the dull side. When your whole basis is as an action movie, dull does not bode well. You never feel like Mills is in danger of not succeeding. I know he is a trained CIA agent, but even James Bond gets his ass kicked every once in a while. I have trouble believing that an older, albeit experienced, agent can demolish so many people and come out with minimal damage. Not to mention, you would think his judgment would be clouded by emotions. I mean, this is his daughter that is being sold into sex slavery; not just some stranger.

If you are looking for a decent popcorn flick, then by all means rent
Taken. I can't recommend spending the cash to see the movie in the theater, but it could not hurt to rent/Netflix it. As long as you don't expect the Bourne trilogy, then I feel like you will find an easy to watch, entertaining, yet average movie.

Final Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote:
Bryan: "Now's not the time for dick measuring, Stuart!"

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